Privacy Policy

Sweetwater Boutique's Privacy Policy

We will never share your information!

We consider your account information to be private, and we keep this information on a secure server to protect it from outside parties. We use the information only for the limited purposes of processing your orders, administering our site, and notifying you of products or special offers that may be of interest to you (only if you select to be included on our mailing list). We do not share or sell your private information with anyone.

Additional Information for Online Orders from Sweetwater Boutique

When you make a purchase from Sweetwater Boutique's website, you will provide your name, your address (shipping and/or billing), your telephone number, your email address, and your credit card information. We use this information to process your order(s), to keep you updated on your orders, and to personalize your shopping experience.

Our secure servers protect your information using advanced encryption techniques and firewall technology. In a layer of extra security, we will never have access to your credit card number.

We use “cookies” to keep track of your current shopping session to personalize your experience and so that you may retrieve your shopping cart at any time.

We may send you our newsletter to notify you of new deliveries, current promotions, specials, and sales at Sweetwater Boutique. You may unsubscribe from our newsletters by following the unsubscribe instructions in any email.

If you have any questions, please contact us at .